Welcome to my new website, PencilDave.
My name is David Lindstrom. You would think that there aren’t many David Lindstrom’s. There are tons of us. (Obviously, it was a very good year, nine months before we were all born — although I won’t tell you what year it was.) But until I reach that Nervana world of being listed in the top ten on Google, just remember, PencilDave.
I have been writing most my life. I guess I take after my mother, who was a writer also. She’s writing and dancing in a better place, now. One of these days, I will start compiling all her works.
It hasn’t been that long since she and I took long walks through the countryside. But in that short time, she would be shocked at the changes that have been descending on writers trying to publish.
I hear a loud, AMEN, from all the authors out there. But just remember: we still have it better than they did in the Fourth Century, B.C.
That being said, I haven’t really gotten too serious about trying to publish my stuff. So, here goes. I am shooting in the dark. Let’s hear another, Amen from the authors out there.
The bulk of my experience has been short stories. And I love them. I am also currently working on four books, and translating another. Does this show a hint of Attention-Deficit Disorder?
I am in the process of adding my short stories out there. By the way. Where is “there” anyway?
I would appreciate any, and all comments. And, you authors out “there.” Let me know of your works in-progress. I would love to write a review. We all know what presence, David Lindstrom commands.